You are now able to access Thinkstock Royalty Free stock imagery directly within Adobe Photoshop, inDesign, & Illustrator (CC6 & above.)
Full details at
Does your company purchase Creative Royalty Free and/or Editorial stock imagery?
If so, ask yourself these simple questions:-
1. Are you frustrated by spending too much time searching for the right image?
2. Would you like access to a unique blend of high quality images, at a very cost effective & competitive price?
3. Would you like to fix your image cost yet have access to all file sizes (up to 50mb) and file types (jpg & EPS Vector) with no hidden extra costs?
4. Would you like the freedom to choose from over 9 million images & vectors from iStock, 5.5 million images from Getty Images PLUS 500,000 Editorial Images from Getty Images?
5. Would you like to control how you pay; monthly, quarterly or even bi-annually. All interest free?
If the answer is “yes” to any of the above questions, then Thinkstock by Getty Images is definitely the answer for your Royalty Free image requirements.
Book a 5 to 10 minute on line demo of Thinkstock to see for yourself
Call 01432 870528 or email
Video Detailing the following info about Thinkstock: -
• High-quality content from Getty Images and iStock - Create powerful designs with fresh, bold photos, illustrations and vectors.
• More freedom and time to design - Expand creativity with simple licensing and easy access.
• Simple pricing and plans - Multiple subscription options to meet growing imagery needs.
1 comment:
I love this development! I think it's great to have this as a resource. Do you know if these images are print quality? Also, is there any cost to register with thinkstock or is it a free service? I'll have to look into getting this set up! Thanks for sharing your tips with us.
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