Tuesday 2 June 2009

Talking Product Videos Guide

I have created a 4 page guide to the Talking Product Videos. The PDF explains the process and shows you what artwork to supply to get the best results. I have hosted the file on http://www.scribd.com/ Scibd is a very useful for hosting your documents.

The downloadable link to the PDF is http://tinyurl.com/rabda5

I have shortened the link for posting purposes on Twitter.

The process needs enough key facial points to be able to morph the face. An example of the problems arising from not having these present in a photo is given in the PDF. It explains how the problem can be solved, & the resulting video can be seen on my web site at the following link.

The video was converted to 3gp format and was sent to journalists mobile phones. This is a great example of how a mobile phone video can really grab the attention of potential clients. Mobile phone adverts are just another marketing tool, but using"Talking Product Videos", they can really maximise the effectiveness of a mobile phone video campaign.

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